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The Elections

Presidential Elections & summer is over

Go and vote in the upcoming elections

The presidential elections are coming up, the sitting president is getting replaced by his Vice President. Meanwhile the republican VP candidate has been named, and another one has been named for the democrats. Clearly, a lot is going on in the American presidential elections, and the result it will produce will have a significant effect on the future of the country -- and also on the rest of the world.

I am not going to tell you who to vote for, but I am going to ask you to go cast your vote. Take a look at the candidates and try to figure out who would make your life better, which candidate would work to improve the lives of people you care about? What is the right way? Do some research, and then decide to go vote in the presidential elections, because it is very important that you do.

Summer was here, and yes it is true, it is still here. But the feeling that summer has passed is slowly appearing, however, I had a really nice summer. It was very enjoyable and I learned things about myself and my life that I will never forget.

During a summer trip I learned some things about my friends that made me cut the ties with them, they are no longer my friends and I am proud of what I did. Because I put my feet down and stood my ground and said no to things that I simply can not accept.

Imagine having a nasty view of women, extreme political views that would lead to even more polarization in our society. Can we take that? No, probably not. And it is up to each individual to say no to these kinds of things. And what more? Peer-pressuring your friends to take drugs and then having a massive blowback is also not nice, and on top of that not being there for your friend when he needs you the most. That is just simply a bad description of a friend - which means they are no longer my friends.

I met some really cool people this summer though, so the net effect is that I have more friends now than I did when summer started. This is a very nice feeling and I know that I am capable of making friends, even though I am "handicapped".


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