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Minecraft -- Back in the Sandbox from the Childhood

 If you've read my previous post, you will know that I have not been feeling very well. That has changed for the better and I am now starting to make progress in life again. During these rough times I re-discovered a game that gave me some kind of safety and meaning during pointless days. The game is called Minecraft. Most of you have probably heard it before, maybe that it is a game with really awful graphics and no real meaning. That it has no real meaning is somewhat true and paradoxically untrue. Minecraft is a sandbox game, where you create the meaning. So how do you describe the game? Imagine you are a child again, maybe in the school yard's sandbox or at the beach. You are playing with the sand and using your imagination to have fun. Maybe you find some insects to play with, or you start to build a structure.  Minecraft is similar, but far more advanced. It is a game that is very suitable for children, but also for adults. Why? It is both advanced and basic. You need som
Recent posts

Progress through struggle

 Consistency is key to making progress, this is more true and more important during rough times. For the past years I've made significant progress in my life that I would like to share with the internet.  I am currently working on making articles with information about how I did certain things that could be of interest for the public. Things such as; getting a promotion, changing your eating and exercising habits, fighting through depression, becoming a better friend/partner. Please note that these are my experiences, if you are in a rough spot you might want to consider asking for help. If you are depressed, you should seek medical help. 

Who's watching us?

We hear dozens of stories about people being hacked everyday, our privacy is at risk when we share private information on the internet. You might think that it's not public information, but what happens when someone gains access to your accounts where they can see your information? Or what if you trust a company that gets hacked or goes rogue. How much is your information worth to you? There's way around this of course.

Top 3 Easy Ways to Make Money

Money is an extremely important part of most peoples lives, since you're reading this post, you're probably looking for some easy ways to make money. Let's get right into it. 1. Take advantage of your existing skills and create stuff or offer services What are your current skills that you can use to make money? If you are creative you can take advantage of any skill that you might have. There might be an industry already where you can offer your skills as a service or you might be able to produce something that you can sell. If you have the capability to offer a service that is in demand, such as copy-writing, translating, graphic design, coding et cetera, then chances are that you can develop a big customer base by freelancing. You can take on projects when you have extra time and make some money. Essential : Do research before you commit time to something Develop your skills if you need to Be professional and make sure that you always do your best and listen

We're back!

Hello old and new readers, I have good news for you and me. The blog is going to be active again. The fundamentals of the blog changed drastically and I lost interest. Basically from the start this blog was an experiment and short stories in the modern form of a blog. It was about a character with disabilities who wrote blog entries to spread information about his life. However, it changed to a blog about reaching a high quality life and that is what we will focus on in the future. With that being said though, the character James might make a comeback with some creative stories to say. In this blog you will read about: Goals -- setting goals, achieving and how to work out a plan Reviews and posts about various desired things such as cars, gadgets, travel destinations and so on Personal experiences Moneymaking If there's a topic you would like to read about, do not hesitate to let us know. I'm looking forward to write again and interact with you.

Do you have a moneymaking goal this year?

Do you want to make enough money to buy something? Or do you want to experience security by having a sum of money saved on your bank account? If your goal is to save $20,000 a year, you should divide it with 12. 20,000 divided by 12 equals about 1667. This means in order to reach your goal all you have to do is save 1667 dollars a month. If you do this every single month, you will automatically reach your goal. Having money on your bank account is good because first of all it will grow with the interest rate, second of all it's always nice to know that if a big once-in-a-lifetime opportunity comes up, you have the money for it. Third of all, having money saved is something expected by adults. Now, 20,000 dollars might not be the most optimal goal for everyone. If you don't have enough money to save after your expenses you might have to look at a smaller goal. But even if it's not big money being saved it's a really good habit because when you make more in th

Upcoming changes to blog

Originally when I started this blog I was going to write fictional stories about a character I later decided was called James. I made up some stories and lost interest in that kind of writing. However, it changed my thinking. I realized that if someone who's in a wheelchair due to an accident can recover. Then why wouldn't someone with a bad life be able to turn it into a good life? I thought about it and tried looking it up. I found out that many successful people started with a poor background. But with constant hard work they managed to turn their lives around and their life quality skyrocketed. This is what the blog will be about from now on. If you've read earlier entries from January you'll notice that I've already written some entries about this. But from now on it will only be about this. I have changed the name of the blog from "the life of an handicap" to "quality life project". This is a project and you are more than welcome t